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Pediatric Palliative Care in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review of the Evidence

Pediatric palliative care is a pressing clinical and public health challenge in sub-Saharan Africa. Explicit evidence-based models of service development, patient assessment, and evidence for control of prevalent problems (physical, psychological, social, spiritual, and developmental) are urgently needed. Greater research activity is urgently required to ensure an evidence-based response to the enormous need for pediatric palliative care in sub-Saharan [...]

Early integration of Palliative care for children with high risk cancer and their families

Despite increasing data to support pediatric palliative care (PPC)as an integral component of high-quality care for children with lifethreatening conditions and their families, timely integration of PPC is offered inconsistently to children with high-risk cancer. In this review,  we summarize the growing body of literature in support of early integration of PPC for children with high-risk cancer and [...]

Symptoms experienced by intensive care unit patients at high risk of dying

Study findings suggest that unrelieved and distressing  symptoms are present for the majority of intensive care unit patients, including those with delirium. Symptom assessment in high-risk intensive care unit patients may lead to more focused interventions to avoid or minimize unnecessary suffering. (Crit Care Med 2010; 38:000–000) DESCARGAR PDF

Por |2016-08-02T19:23:01+02:00agosto 2nd, 2016|Tratamientos|Sin comentarios

Integrating palliative care into national policies

Good policies lay the groundwork for an effective health care system and society. They facilitate the implementation of palliative care programs aimed at providing care for all people in need of these services, and they ensure equitable access to affordable medications and therapies. The lack of good policies can lead to unnecessary suffering and costs for patients, families, [...]

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