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Ten principles for good interdisciplinary tema work

Interdisciplinary team work is increasingly prevalent, supported by policies and practices that bring care closer to the patient and challenge traditional professional boundaries. To date, there has been a great deal of emphasis on the processes of team work, and in some cases, outcomes. DESCARGAR PDF

Consensus- recomendations in PC hospital care

In an effort to provide supportive operational detail about specific features necessary for program sustainability and growth and to help guide hospitals starting new or strengthening existing palliative care programs, the Center to Advance Palliative Care convened a consensus panel to develop recommendations for key operational features for hospital programs. Twenty-two recommendations are grouped into 12 domains and include [...]

Por |2016-08-25T10:21:41+02:00agosto 24th, 2016|Educación Paliativa|Sin comentarios

ImpaCCT -Standards of paediatric and adolescent palliative care EAPC

  A document prepared by the Steering Commitee of the European Task Force on palliative care for children and adolescents DESCARGAR PDF

Early integration of Palliative care for children with high risk cancer and their families

Despite increasing data to support pediatric palliative care (PPC)as an integral component of high-quality care for children with lifethreatening conditions and their families, timely integration of PPC is offered inconsistently to children with high-risk cancer. In this review,  we summarize the growing body of literature in support of early integration of PPC for children with high-risk cancer and [...]

Lecturas recomendadas en C.Paliativos Pediátricos

Bibliografía en internet sobre cuidados paliativos pediátricos. Recursos on line en español y en Inglés. Heathers L. Rogers, Catherine D¨Souza y Satbir Jassal. Medicina Paliativa en niños y adolescentes. 2015. PSF. 699--708   Nadie puede procurarte paz  salvo el triunfo de los principios. Ralph Waldo Emerson DESCARGAR PDF

Por |2016-08-12T10:33:05+02:00agosto 8th, 2016|Educación Paliativa|Sin comentarios

Symptoms experienced by intensive care unit patients at high risk of dying

Study findings suggest that unrelieved and distressing  symptoms are present for the majority of intensive care unit patients, including those with delirium. Symptom assessment in high-risk intensive care unit patients may lead to more focused interventions to avoid or minimize unnecessary suffering. (Crit Care Med 2010; 38:000–000) DESCARGAR PDF

Por |2016-08-02T19:23:01+02:00agosto 2nd, 2016|Tratamientos|Sin comentarios

Palliative care for disabled people

Palliative care for disabled children and young people embraces holistic, high quality, evidence-based care, recognition and timely management of  symptoms, recognition and discussion with the multidisciplinary team and with families about the possibility of dying and care and support through life, death and bereavement. Systems are being piloted across the UK to collect data about who and  where children [...]

Por |2016-08-02T18:51:38+02:00agosto 2nd, 2016|Sin categorizar|Sin comentarios

Quality standards for Palliative care in AFCA

The standards are designed to allow the development or improvement of palliative care across the different services levels,within the organisational capacity of various service providers in Africa, according to WHO guidelines.   DESCARGAR PDF

Palliative care, what approaches are suitable for developing countries

  El ideal de la Medicina Paliativa está relacionado con tres cosas: la calidad de la vida, el valor de la vida y el significado de la vida. La calidad de la vida la da la liberación del dolor, del temor y de otros síntomas molestos y la calidad de cuidados. El valor de la [...]

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