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Non comunicable diseases in the developing world

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory disease and diabetes pose the biggest threat to human life across the world. Over 36 million people die every year from NCDs and 14 million of these die too young, between the ages of 30 and 70. Eighty-six per cent of these premature deaths are in developing countries and result [...]

Integrating palliative care into national policies

Good policies lay the groundwork for an effective health care system and society. They facilitate the implementation of palliative care programs aimed at providing care for all people in need of these services, and they ensure equitable access to affordable medications and therapies. The lack of good policies can lead to unnecessary suffering and costs for patients, families, [...]

Core Competency APCA

To guide the provision of quality palliative care services across the African region, the African Palliative Care Association (APCA) has developed a framework of core palliative care competencies that can be used by service providers, educators and other stakeholders to guide programmes development. The competencies are developed based on the following principles: ƒƒAll patients have access to high-quality [...]

Clinical Placement Guidelines hospice Africa

In education, as in other areas of clinical practice, the early experiences are very important in sending messages of enthusiasm for the subject, of its excitement, its place in medicine as a whole, and its value to patients and the public. Palliative care needs well-qualified leaders if it is to continue to grow and develop as a [...]

PSF Proyectos paliativos realizados-Bikop- Camerún

Bikop es un poblado de Camerún donde PSF,a través de la Misión de las Hnas. Esclavas del S.Corazón de Jesús y el Centro de Salud de Bikop,  ha creado un servicio de atención paliativa a domicilio. Paliativos Sin Fronteras Camerún a través de las Dras. Ana Gutierrez y Rosi García han organizado numerosos cursos sobre [...]

Quality standards for Palliative care in AFCA

The standards are designed to allow the development or improvement of palliative care across the different services levels,within the organisational capacity of various service providers in Africa, according to WHO guidelines.   DESCARGAR PDF

Palliative care, what approaches are suitable for developing countries

  El ideal de la Medicina Paliativa está relacionado con tres cosas: la calidad de la vida, el valor de la vida y el significado de la vida. La calidad de la vida la da la liberación del dolor, del temor y de otros síntomas molestos y la calidad de cuidados. El valor de la [...]

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